Humidifier Sales & Service

Many associate Winter with dry skin, scratchy throats, and asthmatic coughing. However, did you know that there are ways to enhance your home to prevent these symptoms? A whole-home humidifier fills your home with moisture, and takes away many of the symptoms that people blame on the cold weather.

The average humidity of a home should be around 30 to 50 percent. However, during the cold of winter, many find their home around 10 percent. Heating your home to a high temperature can make your dryness problems worse. Heating air only makes it that much drier, lowering your home’s humidity levels.

The Dangers of Dry Air

Overly dry air can cause much more than just dry skin. Viruses grow much easier in a dry environment, which means your family is at risk of getting sick. Infection also is more likely to occur in dry environments, according to the American Society of Otolaryngology. Humans thrive in moist environments, so it is important that your home is not dry.

Your home itself can also be damaged by having such dry air in your house. Hardwood floors contract when the lack moisture and they begin to separate at their seams, causing foundation problems in your floor. Wallpaper and paint has also been known to peel because of lack of moisture.

Humidifying systems decrease static electricity, which is a result of dry air. While getting occasionally shocked might simply seem like an annoyance, static electricity can ruin household electronics like your computers or televisions.

Finding the Best Humidifier for Your Home

Trenary Service Company can help you find the best humidifying system for your home. A whole-house humidifier works best for most average sized households. Small portable units that are available at stores are costly and ineffective. Many barely humidify a single room, let alone your entire home. They also require frequent cleaning, are loud, and have high electricity costs.

How a Humidifier Works

We install this system directly into your heating and cooling system with minimal trouble. Once installed, you will quickly begin to see the benefits! There is also minimal maintenance required and the costs are much smaller than what you’d think. Because whole-home humidifiers take water from your home’s plumbing system, there is little electricity or extra costs.

The humidifier creates water vapor that is distributed through the air that is pushed out in your heating and cooling system. Most whole-home humidifiers have humidistats, which allow you to adjust the exact degree of humidity you have in your home. Once the air is heated by your heating system, it will pass through an evaporator in the humidifier. This evaporator is soaked with water and allows the passing air to soak up the water before it circulates through your home.

To determine what sort of humidifier your home needs, you must consider the size of your home. A humidifier’s capacity should equal the size of your home. Talk to us about how your square footage and we will make a recommendation – get in touch today!